P-05-736 To Make Mental Health Services More Accessible – Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Committee, 1.09.17


To whom it may concern,


Here are my comments for the Petition meeting for 19th September regarding my petition and also the response I had from the health secretary, upon reading the letter I do no understand the response even though I have seen that you fund mental health in wales more than any other services within the NHS I have seen with my own eyes that infact mental health services are being reduced and as you can see hafal have also agreed with me on every point on my petition I find that your response was not good enough as you didn't address any of my points on mental health and how you could improve them, therefore I am not happy with the response and I will continue to push my petition until I see improvements within the mental health services hafal have also stated how people are being turned away and how more funding needs to be invested in mental health services. As a person with mental health problems myself I have seen first hand how mental health services are struggling and there isn't enough support out there for people with mental health problems just like with crisis team a mental health patient should not have to ring the crisis team thereselves upon seeing a doctor and just given a leaflet on what there number is and what they do more needs to be done to help people who are seeking help within there gp or other mental health services. The waiting lists for mental health appointments is also very long, I hope you find my comments very helpful, the Petition committee has also agreed that mental health services in wales does need to be looked at so I hope that we can work together to improve services across Wales and see a major improvement so more people can get help and not feel turned away. I hope that the health secretary could look at my petition again and hafal response and see that we need improvement I look forward to hearing further, also if you would like further evidence then I am more than happy to come in and talk to committee and health secretary to explain further about my Petition. 

Laura Williams